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Interview Ulrike Quade in ‘De wereld van het poppenspel’

“Robots zijn theaterpoppen van morgen”

Judith Marseille interviewde Ulrike Quade voor het jubileumnummer van ‘De wereld van het poppenspel’. Lees het interview door op de afbeeldingen te klikken of bekijk de PDF hier.

Interview Ulrike Quade
Interview Ulrike Quade
Interview Ulrike Quade

Watch our short movie “A Robot Walked into the Theatre…”

“A robot walked into the theatre…” is the virtual kick-off of Acting Like a Robot: Theatre as Testbed for the Robot Revolution. This project brings together experts from the theatre and robotics for four years of joint explorations. The short film was made for virtual festival SPRING on screen.

Acting Like a Robot is a collaboration between Utrecht University, Ulrike Quade Company, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, HKU University of the Arts Utrecht and SPRING Performing Arts Festival, and is financially supported by NWO (SMART Culture CISC.KC.205) and Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, through an innovation grant issued to Ulrike Quade Company.

Video by Ulrike Quade, The Transketeers & Floriaan Ganzevoort

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