At Ulrike Quade Company, our colleagues share their expertise and insights on the collaboration between theatre, technology and social impact. These lectures offer an in-depth look at how art, science and technology reinforce each other, and how we apply these elements in our performances and projects.
Toepassing van kunst en technologie
Our lectures are available to companies, schools and other organisations interested in the innovative ways we apply art and technology. We share not only how we archive and keep Ulrike Quade’s 25-year-long oeuvre alive, but also how we apply technology in theatre.
‘Yesterday’s puppets are tomorrow’s robots.’
Facilitator for municipalities
Moreover, we show how we work as facilitator for municipalities, testing the effect of decisions or visions of the future in society. Thanks to our many years of experience with public and public engagement, we have valuable insights that we are happy to share with others.
Contact us for more information about lectures and how we can work together to increase the social impact of art, science and technology.
Recent lectures
Keynote by Marijke Hessels at on the future of art, heritage and technology. She shared insights on archiving Ulrike Quade Company’s rich theatre history.
During this session, organised by Allard Pierson, TiN Foundation and, Marit Adriaanse, archivist at Ulrike Quade Company, explained the challenges of archiving in digital times.