From all submissions to our open call, Lea Ellemann and artist duo Marijn Brussaard and Niek Vanoosterweyck have been chosen as the first residents of Center Stage Robotics. To learn more about the residents and the concepts they would like to explore, watch the introduction videos.

Lea Ellemann

Lea Ellemann is an interdisciplinary artist, fashion designer and creative researcher. Through her work, she questions the (self-)healing capacity of humans and the influence that movement has, in its relation to textile, on this form of mental transformation.

She works from a background in dance and her current specialisation in innovative textile design (3D printing & laser cutting). For this residency, she explores how a connection can be established between robotic and human movement, in combination with textile and costumes.

Marijn Brussaard & Niek Vanoosterweyck

Marijn Brussaard (NL) and Niek Vanoosterweyck (BE/NL) share a background in mime, interdisciplinary performances, and installations that blur the boundaries between the digital and the physical.

In this joint project, they are experimenting with motion capture, robotic arms, and choreography. The main focus is to translate the movements of a performer into simple datasets that control the robotic arms, with the aim of bringing objects and actions from ‘A Dog’s Tale’ to life.

Hi there!