Photo: Bart Grietens
At Ulrike Quade Company, we create visual theatre that pushes the boundaries of the possible. Our performances are not simply fictional; they are deeply rooted in reality and enriched by scientific research. This makes our work more relevant and meaningful than pure fantasy.
Collaborating with various universities and disciplines, such as humanities at Utrecht University and robotics at Delft University of Technology, allows us to integrate different perspectives. We combine the insights from these disciplines with our own artistic research and the free thinking that characterises the arts.
Our theatre combines (puppet) play with music, dance, literature and scene design. We use traditional Bunraku puppet plays as well as hyper-realistic puppets, robots and digital cyborgs.
By intertwining puppetry with modern technology, we constantly seek new forms. We draw inspiration from myths and stories of the past to unravel the ‘now’ and explore and shape the future.
“In my performances, I show that nothing is what it seems, and that we should always question self-evidences”
Our stories, like that of Prometheus, are meant to explain the world and offer comfort, insights and hope. We see the era of coexistence with technology as a hopeful one.
Ulrike Quade Company’s productions outline possible futures and create illusions that briefly touch the core of human desire. These moments of magic trigger other stories and associations, bringing you back to yourself and making you reflect on what you think. Hopefully, our performances will make you feel you can give direction to the life you want to lead.
Future Stages #8
13 December, Frascati Theatre
Ulrike Quade Company organises a collective thought experiment on the impact of technology on identity, mourning and loss.
Join Dr Esther Hammelburg and other speakers in this expert meeting during the eighth edition of Future Stages at Frascati.
Featuring a Live Column by Laura van Dolron, a musical performance by Tim Hammer and a scene from SPOT X KAFKA with the Boston Dynamics Robot
Future Stages is part of Center Stage Robotics, a groundbreaking collaboration between the performing arts sector, the creative industry and academia.
Future Stages #8
Come Together Festival
Roman and ELIZA
13 December, Frascati Theatre (Amsterdam)
A collective thought experiment on the latest technological developments. At Frascati, we fill two rooms with an innovative programme that breaks open our perspective on technology, identity, grief and loss.
5, 6, 7, 8 February 2025, Frascati Theatre (Amsterdam)
Celebrating its 10th anniversary: a four-day performance series with artists from Amsterdam
Expected in spring 2026
A performance that explores the boundary between technology and human emotions and challenges us to think about memory and loss.
Expected in 2027
A unique performance inspired by the novel ‘The Unanswered Prayers of Jacob the Sweet’ by David Mitchell. This story explores themes of fertility, the fear of mortality, and the quest for eternal life.
Productions A-Z
View our archive: Ulrike Quade Company’s active, enduring record of artistic methods, collaborations and findings. Explore 20 years of interdisciplinary processes with technology, robots, puppets and visual theatre. Inspiration for students and makers in the future.
Future Stages #8
13 December, Frascati Theatre (Amsterdam)
A collective thought experiment on the latest technological developments. At Frascati, we fill two rooms with an innovative programme that breaks open our perspective on technology, identity, grief and loss.
Come Together Festival
5, 6, 7, 8 February 2025, Frascati Theatre (Amsterdam)
Celebrating its 10th anniversary: a four-day performance series with artists from Amsterdam
Roman and ELIZA
Expected in spring 2026
A performance that explores the boundary between technology and human emotions and challenges us to think about memory and loss.
Expected in 2027
A unique performance inspired by the novel ‘The Unanswered Prayers of Jacob the Sweet’ by David Mitchell. This story explores themes of fertility, the fear of mortality, and the quest for eternal life.
Productions A-Z
View our archive: Ulrike Quade Company’s active, enduring record of artistic methods, collaborations and findings. Explore 20 years of interdisciplinary processes with technology, robots, puppets and visual theatre. Inspiration for students and makers in the future.